In a head-to-head comparison, Semantix and HashiCorp, two prominent computer and technology companies, are evaluated based on various factors to determine which one holds a stronger position in the market. The analysis focuses on risk, profitability, earnings, dividends, analyst recommendations, valuation, and institutional ownership.
When it comes to volatility and risk, Semantix exhibits a lower level of volatility with a beta of -0.37, indicating that its share price is 137% less volatile than the S&P 500. On the other hand, HashiCorp has a beta of 1.25, making its share price 25% more volatile than the S&P 500.
In terms of profitability, Semantix and HashiCorp are compared based on net margins, return on equity, and return on assets. However, specific figures are not provided in the available information.
Valuation and earnings are also considered, with Semantix reporting higher earnings but lower revenue than HashiCorp. Additionally, HashiCorp is currently trading at a lower price-to-earnings ratio, indicating that it is more affordable than Semantix.
Analyst recommendations suggest that HashiCorp is more favorable than Semantix, as it has a consensus price target of $32.08, indicating a potential downside of 4.66%. This recommendation is likely influenced by HashiCorp’s higher possible upside.
Institutional and insider ownership are examined as well. Semantix has 40.1% of its shares owned by institutional investors and 35.5% owned by company insiders. In comparison, HashiCorp has a higher institutional ownership of 87.8% and a lower insider ownership of 22.5%. Strong institutional ownership is often seen as an indication of long-term market outperformance.
In summary, based on the available information, HashiCorp emerges as the stronger business, outperforming Semantix in nine out of thirteen factors analyzed. However, specific financial figures and detailed analysis are not provided in this report.
Semantix, headquartered in São Paulo, Brazil, offers an end-to-end proprietary Software as a Service (SaaS) data platform primarily in Latin America and the United States. The company provides various data-related services to financial institutions, healthcare providers, and retailers, along with artificial intelligence and data analytics services.
HashiCorp, based in San Francisco, California, offers multi-cloud infrastructure automation solutions globally. Their products include infrastructure provisioning tools like Terraform, security products like Vault and Boundary, application-centric networking automation with Consul, workload orchestrator Nomad, and application delivery product Waypoint. They also provide the HashiCorp Cloud Platform, a fully-managed cloud platform for multiple products.