Recent research has revealed that artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly integrated into various industries, including the business sector. A survey conducted by has projected that 43% of companies in the United States plan to incorporate AI into their interviewing process this year, with the majority believing that it will enhance hiring efficiency. However, the survey also indicated that 85% of these companies do not intend to replace humans in making the final hiring decisions.
According to Brian Gagnon, the chief technology officer at Uprise Partners, AI can be utilized in several ways during the recruitment process. It can assist in writing job descriptions, developing improved interview questions, and filtering out unqualified applicants, thereby reducing the burden on companies to interview every candidate who applies.
Gagnon highlighted that, for applicants, the use of AI in the recruitment process is often indistinguishable, such as through automated email responses or questionnaires. However, he acknowledged that potential hires may have concerns if they realize they are interacting with a robot rather than a human. Gagnon emphasized the importance for companies to recognize the appropriate contexts in which AI can be beneficial and where it may be detrimental.
While AI can contribute to both increasing and reducing bias in the recruitment process, Gagnon pointed out potential challenges. For instance, AI may mistakenly disqualify candidates who are not as skilled in writing, as their resumes or essays may not effectively communicate their qualifications. Conversely, AI may favor candidates who tailor their resumes to match specific job requirements.
Gagnon further discussed the future of AI in the hiring process and how larger companies are utilizing this technology. He emphasized the need for businesses to understand how to best leverage AI tools, particularly in addressing issues of bias.